Welcome to Labyrinth Walking 2012
Ottawa-Carleton and Valley to Montreal Region
first permanent labyrinth in Ottawa Region at 3955 Richmond Road (1999)
Calendar of Events
Below you will find a list of local labyrinths and their links
To find labyrinths anywhere in the world try the Labyrinth Locator
For information about Labyrinths read the Labyrinth Society website
To share your local labyrinth info or to learn more contact admin (Barbara)
OTTAWA West- BELLS CORNERS UNITED public, 2 permanent and 1 portable labyrinth, 1 Outdoor always open interlocking paving stone Chartres design, lit at night. 1 Indoor labyrinth seven circuit Santa Rosa design painted on the tile floor in the main hall (call to ensure the room is available. 1 portable outdoor 7 circuit square. 3955 Richmond Rd., Nepean, Ontario, K2H 5C5, 613 820 8103 News and Events
OTTAWA West – STITTSVILLE canvas 7 circuit classical labyrinth, 23 ft by 23 ft, created by Ruth Richardson, 1 613 836 8735, 6 Birdstone Ave, Stittsville ON K2S 1C3 News and Events richarr@algonquincollege.com
OTTAWA West- ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN 2 Public, permanent, One is an outdoor interlocking paving stone, 7 circuit and one is an indoor painted on the floor Chartres design. 613 725 9487 Contact Barbara Dransch, Parish Administrator 347 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, K2A 0E7 office@allsaintswestboro.com www.allsaintswestboro.com
OTTAWA West South March ST JOHN’S ANGLICAN Outdoor, open to the public at all times. Wheelchair accessible, Chartres design. 42-ft. diam with buff and charcoal paving stone. Indoor painted on floor Chartres design. 7-circuit, 325 Sandhill Road, Ottawa, ON K2K 1X7 News and events Contact: Lynn Laberge, Administrator, 613-592-4747office@parishofmarch.cawww.stjohnskanata.ca
MONTREAL West – indoor, portable, regular walks for the public News and Events
RICHMOND - ST JOHNS ANGLICAN, 2 public, outdoor, one Chartres design, grass path and brick walls.7 Circuit crushed gravel path located in a quiet garden with stone benches on church property beside the cemetery and a stream. 65 Fowler St, Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0 Call Michel Dubord 613 838 6075 Email - saintjohnrichmond@eisa.com http://www.cyberus.ca/~ec088706
BURNSTOWN – Outdoor, public, chartres design mowed in grass. News and Events
CARLETON PLACE – BECKWITH HERITAGE MUSEAUM, outdoor, permanent, 7 Circuit classic design, grass path and stone walls. 267 Edmunds St, News and Events contact Deborah Lytle, 613 2571014
CARLETON PLACE private, classic 7 circuit outdoor, rocks and pine trees, Contact Patti Koelage 613 253 3099 News and Events
OTTAWA West– ROYAL OTTAWA HOSPITAL Public, permanent, outdoor interlocking paving stone, 7 circuit. By the front door. 1145 Carling Ave., Ottawa
OTTAWA Centre- ST LUKES Indoor painted on floor, petite Chartres design, 760 Somerset W. Ottawa 613 725 9487 Contact Dr. Vanessa Compton, 613 235 3416, stlukes@mondenet.com
OTTAWA Centre– CHRIST CHURH CATHEDRAL Indoor, permanent, painted on floor, Chartres design, 430 Queen St., Ottawa, K1R 5A6 613 236 9149 Contact Dr. Vanessa Compton vanessa@labyrinthed.com
OTTAWA West- FIRST UNITED Inside painted on tile floor, Chartres design, 347 Richmond Rd Ottawa, ON K2A 0E7 Contact Sue Taylor 613 723-7263
OTTAWA Centre - ST VINCENT HOSPITAL, 5th floor, quiet room, tape as path, seven circuit 60 Cambridge St N, Ottawa, 613 233 4041
OTTAWA Centre – PERLEY RIDEAU VETERAN HEALTH CARE - Barbara Brown, Art therapist – tapes labyrinths on floor for family and patients 613 728 7520
OTTAWA – CANVAS, 7 circuit with purple lines, Bev Chen, 746 8234
OTTAWA West ST MICHAELS AND ALL ANGELS Public, outdoors, permanent, Location is at the side of the church building, interlocking paving stone Chartres design, 2112 Belair Drive, Ottawa ON K2H 9A9 613 224 0526
OTTAWA East RIDEAU PARK UNITED canvas painted in rainbow colours on poly canvas, 2203 Alta Vista Dr., K2G 2M5, Contact Rev Steve Clifton 613 733 3156 www.rideaupark.ca
OTTAWA West ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN public, interlocking, seven circuit, 613 828 2472, 930 Watson St., Ottawa, ON K2B 6B9
OTTAWA West - Algonquin College temporary labyrinths built for special events
OTTAWA West – PRIVATE – 7 Circuit outdoor mulch and herbs, Contact Susan Kehoe
OTTAWA West - PRIVATE – 7 Circuit labyrinths outdoor, call first Nancy L.Bradley 613-596-0260
NORTH GOWER HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN – public, classic 7 circuit design, wheelchair accessible, Located behind church in lawn on east side of church. 2372 Church Street North Gower, Ontario, K0A 2T0, Contact : Parish office 613-489-0998
ARNPRIOR - GALILEE RETREAT CENTER public, outdoor, bricks and grass, Chartres design 398 John St.,N., Arnprior, ON., K7S 3H6 contact Sister Sara 1 613 623 4242 www.galileecentre.com
ALMONTE – outdoor spiral design Herb Gardens, 7 Circuit 90ft, cedar ship pathway with a wide variety of herb wall. Contact Gerry and George 613 256 0228, www.herbgarden.on.ca, 3840 Old Almonte Rd. Almonte
KINBURN HEALING GROUND AND SANCTUARY 2 outdoor seven circuit design woodland path and grassland path. Contact Debbie 613 552 2068, Panmure Rd., Kinburn ON www.DeborahBoldt.ca
CARP - Private outdoor, permanent, Abingdon design, 7 circuit, 18 ft paving stones and grass path Glenda and Al Jones, 4041 Carroll Side Road RR #2 Carp ON K0A 1L0 613 256 6479
AYLMER - Canvas labyrinth, based on the Bayeux Chapter House in France, 10 circuit labyrinth. 22 ft. by 22 ft. Call Deborah & Rick Bethell at 1 613 669 1460
MCDONALD’S CORNERS - THE LIVING WILLOW LABYRINTH, 7 circuit, outdoor, public, walk in thyme Old School House, Follow the signs, Contact Ankaret Dean RR 1 McDonalds Corners, ON., K0G 1M0 613 278 1203
BROCKVILLE, JAIL, private outdoor yard for the inmates, custom designed 5 circuit, path painted blue, inmate painted a tree in the centre for shade and also wisdom. Chaplain Crystal Minor, Brockville Jail, 10 Wall St., Brockville ON K6V 4R9 (613)342-1456, Fax (613)342-0962
MORRISBURG LAKESHORE DRIVE UNITED CHURCH – outdoor, on the banks of St Lawrence Seaway, Contact: 613 543 3079 lakeshoreunitedchurch@bellnet.ca19 Lakeshore Drive, Morrisburg, Ontario K0C 1X0
PEMBROKE MARGUERITE CENTRE outdoor, grass path, inlaid brick walls, to the left of the front door 700 McKay Street Pembroke, ON K7H 1G6 www.margueritcentre.com Contact Paul Schwartzentruber 613 732 9925 reception@margueritecentre.com www.margueritecentre.com
PEMBROKE - MEATH HILL GARLIC - PRIVATE work in progress - This Seven circuit design labyrinth location is garden, outdoor, permanent, 1068 Sutherland Rd off Hwy 17, just before the Pembroke turnoff, R.R. #2 Pembroke, ON., K8A 6W3, 613 638 0279 contact Sue Parsons, TT, grow garlics and sweet grass for sale mhgarlic@nrtco.net
RENFREW, BETWEEN FRIENDS private This labyrinth location is a wild flower field, Chartres design, 5 miles outside of Renfrew - 730 Inglis Rd., Renfrew, ON., K7V 3Z9, CANADA Please call in advance 613 432 3170 - Lou Bennett, Lou is a certified Reflexologist, palliative care worker and reiki master, retreat cottage just minutes from the labyrinth.
CHAFFEYS LOCKS - ANAMCARA (Celtic for Soul Friend) LABYRINTH private, call for availability. This Chartres labyrinth design crushed stone path and brick walls, outdoor, permanent, 8 Wild Apple Lane on the corner - Chaffey's Locks, ON, K0G 1E0 1 613 359 5690 Contact: The Reverends Ed & Gloria Kostyk
Revised Sept 2012
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